Radwag Balances and Scales - Advanced Weighing Technologies
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The Faster, the Better
The Faster, the Cheaper

Food and industry products contain a certain amount of water. Water content parameter shows if a product intented for production or sale meets quality standards such as:

  • lumping (in case of powders),
  • microbiologic stability,
  • viscosity,
  • dry mass content,
  • concentration,
  • product’s nutrive value,
  • compliance with legal regulations,
  • class (conformity with standards).


Drying Methods

If you want to measure the moisture content of a sample, you must first dry it.

You will perform the drying procedure using one of the following methods:

  • convection drying method in laboratory,
  • IR radiation method,
  • microwave drying method.


Although the convection drying method in the laboratory is accurate and precise, it has undoubted drawbacks. Among them, it is worth mentioning:

  • long analysis time (3-4 hours),
  • the high cost of the workstation,
  • the need to meet ISO, DIN or other standards.


IR radiation method will enable you to dry your sample in as little as 15-30 minutes. In addition, it is:

  • universal (thanks to it you will carry out analysis of products with different structures),
  • easy to use,
  • mobile in design (you will use it both in the laboratory and on the production line).


Microwave drying method by PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer will enable you to perform analysis in an ultra-fast time (2-10 min., depending on the sample mass). Other advantages of this method are:

  • moisture range: 0.0001-100%,
  • uniform heating of entire sample’s volume,
  • complex database of drying programs,
  • product database,
  • customized touch screen,
  • 4 finish modes (manual, automatic, time-defined, user-defined),
  • selection of communication interfaces (USB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, RS 232).


And What Does It Look Like in Practice?

We measured the water content of a ~1.4 g sample by convection drying, IR radiation (using an MA 50.X2 moisture analyzer) and microwave drying (using a PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer). The dry matter content was ~0.05%. The drying procedure using the convection drying method took 3 hours, the IR radiation method took ~7-8 minutes (7 min. 30 sec.), and the microwave drying method took ~2-3 minutes (2 min. 34 sec.). Can you see the difference now?


What Types of Samples Will You Dry with the PMV 50.5Y?

The PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer will enable you to measure the moisture content of samples containing significant amount of moisture (up to 100%).

These samples include:

  • raw materials (e.g. cofee beans),
  • finished products (e.g. cornflakes),
  • products during production (e.g. powder milk).


PMV 50.5Y – Areas of Use

The PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer is a versatile device that you will use in many industries, including food, dairy and chemical.


Examples of products which you will measure the moisture content in

Food products:

  • poultry,
  • pork,
  • beef,
  • processed meat,
  • sausage,
  • chips,
  • ice cream mix,
  • mustard,
  • tomato paste.


Dairy products:

  • condensed milk,
  • proteins,
  • milk,
  • natural cheese,
  • processed cheese,
  • cream,
  • dried whey,
  • yoghurt.


Chemical products:

  • cosmetics,
  • creams,
  • cleaning agents,
  • washing detergents,
  • glues,
  • industrial chemicals,
  • resin.


PMV 50.5Y – Is It Worth Having It?

Ultra-fast analysis, uniform heating of entire sample’s volume, moisture range: 0,0001-100%, accurate moisture determination, full compliance requirements, safety of the weighing process and ease of cleaning – you will find it all in RADWAG’s PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer.


Terminal 5Y in Microwave Moisture Analyzer

With the 5Y terminal, microwave moisture analyzer PMV gain new capabilities and functionalities, such as:

  • 10-inch display,
  • Digital Weighing Auditor (DWA),
  • uncompromised user verification,
  • Ambient Light,
  • hotspot,
  • RFID,
  • Live Note voice and text notes,
  • voice commands for the device,
  • measurement history within the Handy Library,
  • widgets.


If you want to know more details about the latest moisture analyzer, please visit our website.

And if you have any questions about the PMV 50.5Y microwave moisture analyzer, ask our specialist.


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