Radwag Balances and Scales - Advanced Weighing Technologies
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This Is What We Do at the RADWAG Measurement Laboratory: Calibration of Electronic Balances

Part of RADWAG’s organizational structure is the Center for Metrology, Testing and Certification. Its task is to provide measurement consistency and knowledge and services in the field of metrology and laboratory management system.


The Center for Metrology, Testing and Certification consists of:

  • Measurement Laboratory,
  • Testing Laboratory,
  • Training Team,
  • Validation Team.


RADWAG Measurement Laboratory – accreditation

RADWAG Measurement Laboratory, as a calibration laboratory, is accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation in such fields as:

1. weight:

  • non-automatic electronic balances,
  • automatic balances for single loads,
  • weight standards and weights of various accuracy classes and weights;

2. volume:

  • piston pipettes.

RADWAG Measurement Laboratory received this accreditation because it meets the requirements of ISO 17025. Our accreditation is AP 069.


How does the RADWAG Measurement Laboratory work?

RADWAG Measurement Laboratory provides calibration service for balances:

  • new and user-operated balances,
  • produced by RADWAG and other manufacturers.

Calibration of balances is carried out by the Laboratory in the place of installation of balances, in the place indicated by the user or in the Laboratory’s headquarters. The Laboratory recommends calibration of ultra-micro balances, microbalances and analytical balances in the conditions of use – this way the obtained measurement results will reflect the real measurements, and you will avoid errors resulting from, among other things, packaging of the device and transporting it.

RADWAG Measurement Laboratory calibrates non-automatic electronic balances in accordance with PN-EN 45501 standard.


What does calibration of non-automatic electronic balances consist in?

Calibration of a balance consists in:

  • determination of indication error by placing the weight standard on the pan at 5 measurement points: minimum weight, 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 load and at maximum load or at points indicated by the user (some users will not use certain loads, so standard calibration is not necessary for them),
  • determination of the error due to off-center loading of the balance by placing the weight standard on the pan at 5 measurement points: the central one as a reference and at 4 corners (the test is performed at 1/3 of the maximum load),
  • determination of repeatability, which involves placing a specific mass on the pan several times and determining the standard deviation,
  • determination of indication error at TARA load (optional).

The balance after the calibration procedure receives a calibration certificate.


Don’t live in Poland and want to know if your balance can be calibrated in our Laboratory? Write to us. 


Which HY10.10.HRP High Resolution Scales to Use in the Pharmaceutical Industry? Meet the HY10.HRP Scales

HY10.10.HRP High Resolution Scales are industrial devices with high readability (up to 0.02 g for Max = 10 kg). What applications do these devices have in the pharmaceutical industry? Meet the HY10.HRP scales by RADWAG.
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Measurement Safety, Data Integrity and… RADWAG. Which Balances to Use in the Pharmaceutical Industry?

Balances chosen by pharmaceutical companies should ensure measurement safety and data integrity as well as be compliant with regulations and compatible with external software. Which balances from RADWAG’s portfolio meet these criteria?
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What Is an Analytical Balance Used for? RADWAG Analytical Balances: Functions and Applications

An analytical balance is a measuring device that is characterized by very good repeatability as well as high both readability and resolution. What is an analytical balance used for? What functions and applications does it have?
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Which Microbalance to Choose? RADWAG Microbalances

Do you need a microbalance and wonder what to consider when choosing one? You will learn this and more from our article. We encourage you to read it.
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How to Increase Efficiency and Precision in Industry? RADWAG Checkweighers

A checkweigher is a device that performs mass measurement without operator intervention. There is no doubt that the participation of checkweighers in weighing increases the efficiency of the process. How? You will find out after reading this article.
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How Do Ambient Factors Affect Weighing Readability? Improve Your Balance Working Conditions

The parameters of the balance have a huge impact on the result of the measurement, but they are not the only ones. The conditions under which this device works also play a not insignificant role. To find out what these conditions are and how you can improve them, read our article.
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Which Laboratory Balance to Choose? RADWAG’s Most Accurate Laboratory Balances

Working in a laboratory where small masses are weighed requires the most accurate and precise balances. Before answering the question which RADWAG balance to choose for the laboratory, we will determine what features and functions these measuring instruments should have in order to best serve laboratory employees.
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Which Precision Balance to Choose? PS X7 and WLC X7 Series Balances by RADWAG

“What to consider when buying a precision balance?” and “Which precision balance to choose?” are the questions most often asked by our customers. In this article, we will describe the features and functions of an optimal precision balance and advise which model will meet your expectations.
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Which Antivibration Table or Professional Weighing Workstation Should I Choose?

If there are vibrations or quakes in the workroom, then it is necessary to eliminate them by placing the balance on a convenient base, for example on an antivibration table. In our offer you will find both antivibration tables and professional weighing workstations – single or dual.
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White Paper: Cranberry – Water Content Determination

White paper includes basic information for validation of cranberry drying method with the use of moisture analyzers series MA/R and MA/X2 by RADWAG. White paper may be the basis for elaborating own drying method with special regard to distinctive features of the product in question.
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White Paper: WC Gel, Washing Gel and Liquid Soap – Water Content Determination

White paper includes basic information for validation of WC gel, washing gel and liquid soap drying method with the use of moisture analyzers series MA/R and MA/X2 by RADWAG. White paper may be the basis for elaborating own drying method with special regard to distinctive features of the product in question.
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White Paper: Bath and Shower Gel – Water Content Determination

White paper includes basic information for validation of bath and shower gel drying method with the use of moisture analyzers series MA/R and MA/X2 by RADWAG. White paper may be the basis for elaborating own drying method with special regard to distinctive features of the product in question.
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