Radwag Balances and Scales - Advanced Weighing Technologies

How to Take Inventory Faster? Take Inventory with RADWAG Balances and Scales


A warehouse inventory, or so-called physical inventory, is a routine procedure that will enable you to accurately determine the condition and location of your company’s stock. It is also the first step toward proper organization of procurement and distribution. If you’re wondering how to take inventory faster, the answer is simple: with RADWAG balances and scales.

What Is a Warehouse Inventory and What Is Its Purpose?

Inventory is an accounting activity that aims to organize, detail and value the goods stored in your company. Stocktaking involves comparing the inventory with the data in the records or in the company’s information system.

How to Effectively Conduct an Inventory?

Before you start taking stock of your warehouse, it’s worth following a few steps that will make the task easier regardless of the technological solutions used in your company.

First, determine the method of handling. Decide which goods are to be inventoried and how you will count them – whether by piece, by volume, or by weight, etc. If by pieces, we offer you a great solution that will improve and speed up your work: the parts counting function in RADWAG balances scales.

Parts Counting Function in RADWAG Balances and Scales

The parts counting function is included in most of our balances and scales. In RADWAG’s offer you will find devices on which you can count small items like pins, screws or nuts, as well as larger items. A balance on which you will count small items is, among others, the X2 precision balance, and a scale that will count larger items is, for example, the C315.1,5.F1.M load cell platform scale. If you need a basic balance model, the WTC 3000 precision balance will be perfect for you. This is the cheapest RADWAG balance with parts counting function. It is also a reliable and popular device of our production.

How Will RADWAG Balances and Scales Speed up Inventory in Your Company?

Imagine you need to count something. Something small, of which there are a lot, such as the aforementioned pins, screws or nuts, or something big – it doesn’t matter. So that you don’t waste time and don’t risk making a mistake, use RADWAG balance or scale for this purpose.

Simply select the parts counting function, in the dialog box enter any number and load the weighing pan with a tray. After completed taring, load the tray with previously specified number of pieces, wait for a stable result and accept the indication. Mind that you can not only add but also remove the pieces. Simple, right?

Where to Buy Balances and Scales with Parts Counting Function?

You can buy balances and scales that will speed up your company’s inventory at the RADWAG scales store. To order a device with parts counting function from RADWAG’s online store, just visit the website radwaguk.com and then choose the type and model of balances or scales you are interested in. We offer fast and safe shipping directly from the manufacturer and, above all, reliable, high-quality devices.

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