Radwag Balances and Scales - Advanced Weighing Technologies

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features

The PUE HY10 terminal is the brain of multifunctional industrial scales based on load cells. It works with high-resolution, single and multi-load-cell platforms and weighing modules manufactured by RADWAG.


Robust and uncompromising

The PUE HY10 terminal can operate in harsh industrial conditions – in environments with high humidity levels and high dust. It has connectors led out with glands, which, combined with the stainless steel execution and the tightly sealed housing, gives a high degree of protection IP 68/69. In addition, since it meets high hygienic requirements, it can be used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features


Ergonomic and functional

The PUE HY10 terminal is adjustable – you decide its tilt angle.

In addition, your terminal can be both firmly seated on the ground in the workplace (thanks to the handle and rubber shock absorbers) and permanently mounted to the ground or wall (after removing the rubber shock absorbers, you get mounting holes).


Intuitive and comprehensive

The PUE HY10 terminal has a 10.1-inch color display with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels with a touch panel. You will see the result on the easy-to-read display even in difficult lighting conditions and from a distance.

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features


The touch panel translates for your comfort and intuitive operation, and as an all-in-one solution it relieves you of the need to install navigation accessories (keyboard, mouse). Additional numeric keys along with the most important buttons will ensure your ergonomics.


It will look the way you want it to

You can design the look and functionality of the PUE HY10 terminal’s touch screen. You will compose individual screens, and thus expose those elements you use most often. You will adjust the size of strategic elements.


Edit labels with a dedicated program

The PUE HY10 terminal works with a dedicated program Label Editor R02. With it, you will graphically design a label, which you will find in the label database after uploading to the scale. On the label you will put such information you need, for example, the date, batch number, weight or EAN-13 code.

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features


Dedicated applications

  • Smart Editor: remote file editing, importing graphics into the scale from a graphics file, importing labels into the scale from a file lb creating and previewing reports, handling dispensing processes;
  • Smart Display: scale screen personalization and remote desktop;
  • Extended Web Interface: create your own program for the PUE HY10 terminal and exchange basic data, such as retrieving current weight, tare or zeroing, via websocket (JSON).


You can read more about the PUE HY10 terminal here.

If you prefer to ask an expert, do it here.

What Can Today’s Advanced Weighing Terminal Do? PUE HY10 Terminal Features

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